• The Essential Community for Marketers in Puget Sound

We Are AMA Puget Sound

The American Marketing Association Puget Sound Chapter is the leading resource for marketing professionals in our local community, covering Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, Everett, and surrounding areas.

We are a 100% volunteer-led organization and form part of the larger national American Marketing Association of more than 74 local chapters that sever 30,000 AMA members and 345 collegiate chapters in the United States.

  • We are everything marketing with countless real-world marketing events
  • Mentorship and professional development opportunities
  • Access and discount to local events
  • Volunteer leadership opportunities
  • All the great perks of being an AMA member and access to world-class marketing resources

Career Development

The American Marketing Association Puget Sound Chapter (AMAPS) fosters and promotes professional learning and career advancement opportunities for all members. The chapter hosts a wealth of monthly programs, events, workshops, and discussions that introduce the latest industry trends and developments, along with valuable networking events that bring together the best marketing minds in the region.

Visit our Career Center for information about:

  • Job Board
  • AMA PCM ® Certificate
  • AMA Micro Internships
  • Marketer’s Toolkit