Meet Rebecca Adler
1. Why did you decide to become a volunteer with AMA Puget Sound? Rebecca first joined the AMA in the summer of 2003 when she moved to New Jersey without a job or a local network. Through volunteering she simultaneously was able to create a network, cultivate relationships, and build on her marketing skills. Not long after, she got her first job through her contacts on the AMA board
2. What do you enjoy most about being a volunteer on your committee?
I love being able to be connected to the community and continue to build relationships.
3. Why is being a volunteer with AMA Puget Sound important to you?
I’ve gotten so much from being a volunteer, new skills, friendships, and 3 jobs!
4. What’s the one thing you wish others knew about volunteering with AMA Puget Sound? What makes it unique?
There are many different roles with different levels of time-commitment. Some years I have more free-time so I can take on a bigger role, other years I scale back but can still remained involved.
5. What is some of the best advice you’ve received in your career?
Keep a running tally of your accomplishments throughout the year. Include notes of praise from colleagues or customers and use it fill out your performance review. It’s also a great way to update your resume when the time comes.