AMA Puget Sound, a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer-led professional association, is inviting the overall marketing community to explore its new website. The new site has been designed to offer a better user-friendly experience with improved navigation and functionality while allowing visitors to see the benefits of AMA Puget Sound (AMAPS) involvement can offer.
This has been a passion project for almost a year. The goal was to better align our website appearance and functionality with that of National AMA. With the change, we are more capable of making necessary updates to the site within moments, instead of a lengthy request process.
The new website is also a beacon to the changes that are coming to the Chapter.
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): Last Spring, we brought in DEI expert, Kim “Kimfer” Flanery-Rye bring DEI to the forefront. AMAPS is proud to be the 1st AMA Chapter to create a dedicated DEI board role. Kimfer is on National AMA’s DEI council, as well as helping other Chapters with their DEI efforts.
- Career Development: In the growing need for supporting skills needs and life-long learning, AMAPS added a Career Development aspect to the Chapter, led Nadege Mohr. Educational partners, such as CityU Seattle, School of Visual Concepts, and General Assembly have spent hours working with Nadege to create educational programs for you. Being resurrected is the members-only Mentor Program I created several years ago, also part of career development.
- Membership: in line with a new membership cost of $149, we are expanding resources for collegiate members to folks in the C-Suite. VP Membership, Adam Peddicord, is leading a new membership benefits movement, to best serve our members.
- Business Development: As a non-profit, we rely on the kindness of our community, through benefits to our members and in-kind services to help the Chapter run like a business. Maria Alonso-Henaine is leading efforts to collaborate with local organizations to partner and collaborate to better serve the overall marketing community.
- Volunteering: in order to support a nonprofit organization, it takes the hard work and skills of those willing to lend a hand. Without a leader, like Amber Lee to know where the gaps in manpower are, our Chapter would be able to run. There are so many new initiatives and possibilities to help serve our community, that we are always recruiting.
- Programming: we are all virtual until cleared for in-person events; at which we will be diligent in making it the safest environment for all attendees and speakers. While our events are virtual, we are offering attendance at no cost to all with limited registration.
Thank you to our ongoing supporters and champions, as we begin to celebrate our 76th year! I look forward to going into my 2nd (and final) year as President in July and feel confident that our community is only going to get stronger.
Julie Lichtenberg
AMA Puget Sound
President, 2019-20